
The API can perform the following operations:

  • Enumerating all connected smart card readers, getting reader name and state (reader type, card presence, …)

  • Reader event detection (card insertion/withdrawal, reader plug/unplug)

  • Connecting to a card, disconnecting from a card

  • Getting card information (label, manufacturer, model, serial number, …)

  • Getting PIN information (number of PINs, label of each PIN, status, …)

  • PIN verification, change, and unblocking

  • Enumerating card objects (certificates, keys, …)

  • Getting object properties (object type, PKCS label and ID, …)

  • For certificates, getting textual representation of X.509 attributes (subject, issuer, validity period, key usages, extensions, …)

  • Checking certificate validity according to the system certificate stores configured on the client computer (and getting details about the certification path, the reasons why a certificate is not trusted, …)

  • Getting the full PEM-encoded contents of a certificate

  • Performing cryptographic operations with the private keys (signature, decryption)

  • Importing a certificate in the card

  • Importing a PKCS#12 (certificate and key pair) in the card

  • Generating a new key pair in the card

  • Deleting objects from the card

  • Enumerating the system certificate stores

  • Enumerating the certificates contained in a stores

  • Adding a certificate to the store (Windows only)

  • Deleting certificates from the store (Windows only)