In order to make the development a bit easier and faster, we haved created a variety of code snippets that could help you.

The code snippet cannot be embedded directly inside the framework. You will need to install them manually; we can provide them to you if needed The folder named Code Snippet contain all the snippets we have implemented.

In order to use them, you should copy the contents of the Code Snippet folder inside ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets.

The folder CodeSnippets might not exist if you have never created any snippets before. You can just create the folder.

The folder /Library/Developer/Xcode is often hidden from the system. If you want to access it, you can use a terminal:

open ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData

After that, you can easily find the CodeSnippets snippet folder.

From now on, you can use the code snippets with the autocompletion or the Xcode Snippet editor.

Code Snippet are supported for all the function having completionHandler inside the API.